Bringing you closer to your ideal employment scene

Our mission is to facilitate your company's stability and potential for growth by finding you candidates that fit your needs & wants.
Permanent Placement for Nurses, Therapists & other Medical Professionals
Contact Us (800) 939-8341
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Tell us the specifications of who you are looking for by filling out a request form, then sit back as we find candidates that match your needs and wants.
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We can help you solve that problem.
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"I was provided with two possible jobs and was offered an interview in one day. The service was professional and person centered. I felt all my requests and needs were heard and were filled. The follow thru and communication was excellent and immediate! I will use and recommend this company to other therapist."
Rosemary Davis ,OT/L


Temporary coverage when you need it

Having permanent staff is the ideal, but on those occasions where you have to cover an urgent need, maternity leave, or family medical leave, we are able to help you temporarily fill physical therapist jobs in CT or any other area of the eastern seaboard. We can of course help you fill many other types of temp therapist, nursing or other skilled positions.

We can help you handle temporary needs in one of two ways:

  • Pinnacle Rehab Staffing helps employers to obtain medical professionals on a temporary or travel basis when the need arises. These are generally 13 week contracts, but could be less coverage depending upon the Client’s needs. We help you to directly hire candidates that agree to work for a short period of time. They would go through your hire process and you would be the employer of record. We recruit temporary candidates and help you to negotiate rates as well as the coverage period. With this arrangement, we are able to consistently undercut all other company’s fees for temp/travel placement and allow the employer the extra value of having a per diem employee that they can keep or a permanent employee that they can hire at no additional cost. Click here to download the Agreement for Temporary Direct Hire.
  • We post your need to all the major staffing companies across the country to have the best shot to obtain the right candidate in rapidly.  In this way we function as your Master Staffing Provider. Contact us to sign up.
Click here for more information on the Master Staffing Provider relationship
We are contracted as a Master Staffing Provider with a hub company that also contracts with all of the major travel staffing companies across the country.  We do all job postings and  interacting with the multiple staffing agencies.  The staffing agencies are bound by contract with the hub company, not to call your buildings or yourself.  They can still provide you with travelers; they are just funneled through our company to do so. We would function as your primary staffing agency and as your coordination point.  It is an organized, sane way of fulfilling your staffing needs.
The Benefits for you, the Employer: 

  • You don’t have to read and sign multiple contracts with multiple agencies as this plan only requires you to be contracted with us.
  • The rate is the same low rate we already agreed upon whether we provide you staff or other companies do
  • You get all the résumés and pre-employment documentation from one source, rather than multiple companies
  • Your accounts payable department only gets invoices from one source and writes just one check
  • You only have to interact with one contact person for setting up all interviews, getting questions answered, and handling concerns.
  • The Master Staffing Provider arrangement provides the greatest opportunity to fill your staffing needs in a timely manner, while cutting down on your work load and phone calls.

Being your Master Staffing Provider does not have any cost associated with it for you.  The other travel agencies paying us a small percentage of the contract for transmitting the opportunity, coordinating the placement, and processing the paperwork and invoices.

Temporary Staffing for Employers FAQ

What is the cost of having a Master Staffing Provider (MSP)?
Being your Master Staffing Provider does not have any cost associated with it for you.  The other travel agencies pay us a small percentage of the contract for transmitting the opportunity, coordinating the placement, and processing the paperwork and invoices.
Do I have to sign a contract to have Pinnacle Rehab Staffing as my MSP?
Yes- In order to post your temporary needs on the hub website, we need to be the primary company that you are working with.  If you work with other companies, we could both be posting the same position and create confusion.  With this system, you get access to the travel recruiting services and candidates of hundreds of travel companies across the country but only have to interact with one company.  We handle all the coordination, paperwork and issues for you.
How does Pinnacle ensure the quality of the temporary candidates?
We require the travel companies to provide us:

  • Application form with work history and attestation
  • Skills checklist
  • Professional Resume
  • 10 panel drug screen
  • State criminal background check
  • National criminal background check
  • GSA list search
  • OIG sanction list search
  • Verification of valid current state license
  • Hard copy of professional license
  • Pre-employment physical
  • 2 step PPD or chest x-ray
  • Verification of 3 professional references
  • Competence Reviews
  • Interview with interview trained recruiter
What if I have a problem with one of their candidates?
We take responsibility to make sure everything goes right.  We first screen thoroughly to ensure qualified candidates; we then provide follow-up with you to ensure successful placement.  If any problems do arise, we handle those for you the manner that you direct.